Wonderla became functional at Kochi in the year 2000 which was then known as Veegaland. With the opening of the Bengaluru branch, the management introduced the new name Wonderla with advanced amenities and technologies for enhanced entertainment. After the launch of the highly developed Bengaluru branch in 2005, they have rebranded the Kochi theme park also as Wonderla in the year 2011 with corresponding facilities.
The Kochi Wonderla park is spread over 82 acres of land with enthralling rides and activities. It is India’s first ISO 14001 (which is issued for environmental protection), and OHSAS 18001: 2007 (which is issued for safety) certified amusement park. Safety and security systems are given extreme priority in the park with extraordinary preservation. The hygiene conditions in the park are simply amazing as they have maintained a separate system to ensure it at every level. Not only that, the park maintains a water quality control laboratory to frequently check and clean the water used in the park. They have also installed five water treatment plants to reuse, process and filter the water to preserve tremendous cleanliness inside the theme park.
Getting there
Nearest railway station: Ernakulam Railway Station, about 18 km
Nearest airport: Cochin International Airport, about 27 km
Google map coordinates: 29GV+83 Pallikkara, Kerala.